Mapping happiness across space and time
also on YouTube (works on iPhone/iPad/iPod)
Keep up to date by subscribing to our research blog. Is Blue Monday a myth? Where are mappiness users located? And more…
also on YouTube (works on iPhone/iPad/iPod)
mappiness features on Click, the BBC's flagship technology programme
see it on the BBC website (15.45 – 16.30)
Chris Smith interviews researcher George MacKerron on Mappiness and Citizen Science
listen online (Mappiness features from 47:12)
Panellists on NPR's quiz programme are unconvinced by findings from Mappiness on how unhappy people are when working
Analysis explores the Quantified Self, including Mappiness, and asks if life can be measured
listen to the programme (Mappiness features at 11:57)
A few days ahead of the UN's International Day of Happiness on 20 March, BBC Radio Sussex & Surrey held their own, telling the news from a positive angle. Neil Pringle talked to George MacKerron about early Mappiness results.
Researcher George MacKerron describes mappiness to Antony Funnell on Australian radio
listen to the interview (16.30 – 21.30) or read the transcript
George MacKerron discusses the mappiness project with Simon Cox
listen to the interview (23.34 – 28.46)
"Happiness is just a smartphone app away" with David Brancaccio
"There's an app for that": Paul W speaks to researcher George MacKerron
Lead researcher George MacKerron talks to Rebecca Pike about mappiness' preliminary findings
hear it via BBC iPlayer until 17 Oct 2010 (1:35.20 – 1:37.58)
mappiness researcher George MacKerron discusses the happiest days of the week with 5 Live Drive's Peter Allen
hear it via BBC iPlayer until 17 Oct 2010 (26.50 – 29.10)
Is Tuesday the new Monday? James Coomarasamy quizzes mappiness researcher George MacKerron
hear it via BBC iPlayer (50.00 – 53.00)
mappiness has also featured on BBC local radio in Scotland, the West Midlands, Berkshire, Kent, Lancashire, Solent and Sussex
Using data collected from tens of thousands of smartphone users who logged their levels of wellbeing via an app, researchers for the London School of Economics (LSE) found paid work ranked lower than any other activity except being ill in bed. Working led to a 5% drop in happiness, relative to other activities, and sickness to a 20% drop.
Scientists have found out that experiencing bad weather is about as unpleasant as having to do the washing up.
A massive, crowdsourced survey of happiness has shown that a person's mood is strongly associated with the type of terrain around them.
The Sunday Times reports on the UK's happiest times and activities.
What happened when somebody created an app that you could tell when and where you were happy and unhappy?
Apps created by and for the academy could turn smartphones into essential academic tools for everything from teaching and citations to social-science fieldwork
Researchers are harvesting a wealth of intimate detail from our cellphone data, uncovering the hidden patterns of our social lives
George MacKerron is the inventor of Mappiness, an iPhone app that collates information from thousands of people to find out when, where and why we are at our happiest
Good sustainability decisions are so much each easier to make because of emerging connectivity media
Le lundi, en dépit de sa sinistre réputation, ne serait pas le jour le plus haïssable de la semaine. À en croire des chercheurs de la London School of Economics (LSE), c'est plutôt aux mardis qu'une majorité de la population brittanique réserverait ses humeurs les plus sombres.
If you woke up this morning thinking the toughest day of the week had been and gone, you were wrong. Mondays may have long been thought of as miserable, but we’re more likely to feel down in the dumps on a Tuesday.
Bob Geldof famously sang about his dislike of Mondays, but it appears that most people find Tuesday the most miserable day of the week.
When Bob Geldof wrote his hit song I Don't Like Mondays, it became an anthem for every office worker who enjoy their fun-filled weekends and hate the beginning of the week and back to the daily grind. Now a survey using smartphone technology has revealed that Tuesday and not Monday is the day most people feel miserable.
An experiment by the London School of Economics has charted the "emotional index" of the nation, as volunteers keep a track of their emotional states using smartphone technology.
mappiness makes the Independent's top ten in this round-up of the best iPhone apps.
Remember when Lucy hugged Snoopy and happiness was a warm puppy? Now, that feel-good state is defined by data bouncing off satellites.
Mappiness officially launches today, and aims to help researchers understand how people's feelings are affected by their immediate environment. Pollution, noise, weather conditions and green space will be among the factors that data will be compared against.
Researchers at the London School of Economics and Political Science have launched a new iPhone app designed to track how happy the UK is.
In an attempt to better understand how people's feelings are affected by their immediate environment researchers from the London School of Economics will tomorrow launch a "mappiness" project, which aims to track British happiness. Using a free iPhone app, researchers will ask users how they feel at regular intervals, using GPS to pinpoint their location.
Attaining in-the-moment happiness courtesy of Mother Nature is a surefire mood-booster—and doesn’t require venturing into the wilderness.
… a great new paper by Alex Bryson and George MacKerron shows how even well-paid workers are unhappy whilst they're working.
… it seems clear to me that 'state-of-the-art' apps like Mappiness point the way to the future of the government's attempts to measure happiness, and more importantly figure it into its policy and decision-making.
Mappiness has the potential to lend an enormous amount of weight to the arguments of those who want to design buildings and cities in ways which improve, rather than detract from, our wellbeing. For a small, friendly program that runs on a mobile phone, that's pretty impressive.
What makes this app ultimately work for me is that it's not heavy. It's easy to set up, and easy to use. Also, it's being used for a positive purpose, and helps remind me to constantly ask, "Oran, are you happy?"
Happiness research may seem easy to criticise. How can we get reliable data? Will participants answer honestly in a survey? If they are filling the survey at school or work how does that environment affect their feelings and answers? … Some of these problems might just have been solved by combining smart-phones and surveys.
If you haven’t caught up with it yet, it’s what can only be described as serious fun: an attempt to map different daily levels of happiness linked by iPhone satnav to where you are on the UK map.
It's commonly thought that if we're happy, we make those around us happier too; conversely, if those around us are happy, we feel happier along with them. So what if you could stake out where the happiest places are located and go there -- or let people know where we're happiest so they can join in? UK researchers are hoping to uncover environmental factors in what makes people happy, and are using one of the most handy tools available -- iPhones.
A pair of researchers from the London School of Economics' Department of Geography & Environment are measuring happiness throughout the UK. And to do it, they've created an iPhone app called Mappiness.
PhD students are smart, but George MacKerron is in a class of his own. As part of the final year of his research at the London School of Economics, MacKerron, 31, has found a novel way of collecting data for his doctorate: an iPhone application.
Officially launching today is Mappiness, a UK iPhone app that "maps Happiness" by pinging users with a survey in order to plot out their feelings during the day.
Professor Lord Richard Layard, Director of the Well-being Programme at LSE's Centre for Economic Performance, says:
Mappiness is a revolutionary research idea. It is the best method so far devised for understanding how people's emotions are affected by the buildings and natural environment in which they move.
Having downloaded the app a few days ago I can report that responding is more fun and less onerous than it might sound – and the personal stats it generates provides a really interesting insight in to when and how my mood has been changing.